Tuesday, 26 January 2010

This Inspires Me

Francesca Woodman and Lois Greenfield

Saturday, 23 January 2010

"The archetype is made of image and emotion; the image presents the meaning of the emotion, and the emotion gives the image its dynamic energy." - John Perry

"In my experience, when an archetype is constellated, it creates a perceptible field of psychological energy, analogous to a magnetic field in the physical sphere. I have long maintained that a field of this sort might "attract" psychological and physical occurrences belonging to a particular pattern, much as a magnet attracts iron filings that make its field visible. As a matter of fact, contemporary mathematicians and physicists seem to be speaking from a similar intuition when they use the word "attractor," describing the fact that a particular motion always settles into a specific pattern; and when chaos theory employs the term "strange attractors" for uniquely individual patterns that are complex and unpredictatable, but nonetheless orderly."
- Janet O. Dallett, from The Not-Yet-Transformed God

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Props and stuff

I need a long rectangular mirror, maybe two. i need masks, fans, long long pieces of sari cloth, head-jewels, lots of paint, a whole pile of muslin, those things that help you make hair sculptures, a pedastal in white, a gnarled tree branch, perhaps a couple of snakes, one of those concave mirrors that you find on roads with dangerous bends, mountains of fishing wire. need to figure out what to do about backdrops.....probably realistically i need to paint a few....how....on sheets???maybe! i also need some amazing dresses. maybe a few items like a skull would come in useful. ooh i need a kali necklace which my friend in cork has. i also need a make-up artist but have located one so thats good.

went on a treasure hunt today in lincoln though not much of the above were forthcoming!! have put out an email to loads of people here who i know are likely to have some of this stuff. It's all very entertaining and fun really.

PS : also small ornate golden bird cage, parasol.

That Sounds Wonderful - Hafiz

Good poetry
Makes a beautiful naked woman
Materialize from

Who then says,
With a sword precariously waving
In her hands,

"If you look at my loins
I will cut off your head,

And reach down and grab your spirit
By its private parts,

And carry you off to heaven
Squealing in joy."

Hafiz says,
"That sounds wonderful, just

Someone please - start writing
Some great

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Utter Gorgeousness

SO i love these images. utterly stunning!

Been researching at length for this project. in a nutshell am reading extensively on archetypes, have selected about twelve provisionally to shoot and reading up on mythological associations, relevant symbolism etc. Also been looking at hundreds of images to get my head around the kind of aesthetic I am aiming for. have moved away from the antoine d'agata inspired blurred, ethereal images i posted in this blog some months ago and have a pretty clear idea what i want this to look like now. now quite sure how to particularly describe it yet though! came across these Zena Holloway images as part of this research. underwater would actually be perfect to achieve what i want but i am not even going to think about attempting that right now. Even sor, let us take a moment to admire the beauty of this work.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The Witching Hour

Its 5.00am! inspiration has picked a ridiculous hour to visit as always. Been preoccupied with this essay recently, and the festive period brought its usual distractions. However now that the end of the essay is in sight, mere inches away, my mind has started flooding with ideas and images for this project. In the end was forced to get out of bed and start writing notes down but its been well worth it. Feel pretty excited and relieved actually, at last a really clear vision of what I am going to do has arrived but will write all about it in the next few days as I really don't want to see the dawn arrive. The images begin next week, actual pictures at last...I can't wait. Would much rather deal with lighting set-ups and mad props than Habermas. Phew! NOW CAN I PLEASE SLEEP???? I've updated my blog and everything!!!